Contingency Snow Day and Remote Learning Updates

The Utica Academy of Science charter school announces its remote learning and contingency snow days. The remote learning dates include: 05/14 & 06/04. Contingency Snow Days include: 05/21, 05/28 & 06/01.

Friday, May 7th, 2021Utica Academy of Science Charter Schools announces its updates to the May and June calendar which includes new Remote Learning and Contingency Snow Day dates. The Utica City School District has recently announced their contingency days as 5/14, 5/21, 5/28 and 6/4. Therefore, Utica Academy of Science needed to update its calendar accordingly due to the transportation limitation. Below are updated dates and information regarding upcoming Remote Learning and Contingency Snow Days.

Contingency Snow Day Dates

  • May 21  Contingency day - No school for staff and students
  • May 28  Contingency day - No school for staff and students
  • June 1   Contingency day - No school for staff and students

May/June Calendar Updates for High School

Based on our fully online school model and transportation limitation UAS High School has updated its calendar as follows:

  • May 14 Regular online school day - No afternoon bus
  • June 4 Regular online school day - No afternoon bus

Remote Learning Information and Dates for Elementary and Middle School

On 5/14/21 and 6/4/21, Utica Academy of Science Elementary and Middle schools will have Remote Learning days. Students will not report to the building, but will be responsible for completing work remotely. School staff will provide students with their remote learning schedule for the day. Please contact your classroom teacher and/or advisory teacher (Middle School) if you have questions about remote learning.


Please don't hesitate to contact your school for any and all questions. Please also reference the May and June calendars for the complete list of contingency and remote learning dates.


Utica Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

UAS Elementary School

160 School Lane,
Frankfort, NY 13340
Phone: 315-574-3000
Fax: 315-574-3008

UAS J/S High School

160 School Lane,
Frankfort, NY 13340
Phone: 315-266-1072
Fax: 315-266-1073


1409 W Genesee St,
Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
UCSD Transportation: 315-797-4933